
Showing posts from September, 2021

Aims and Objectives of Teaching Physical science

  Aims and Objectives of Teaching Physical science           According to W. Pouli: “The aim of physical science teaching is not the acquisition of information and a few skills but to attain the understanding of the relationship which connects the answer to problem. Meaning of Educational Objectives:      Educational objectives mean, explicit formulation of the ways in which students are expected to be changed by educative process.      Educational objectives are not only the goals towards which the curriculum in shaped and towards which must within is grinded but they are also the goals that provide the details specification for the construction and use of evaluative techniques. Instructional Objectives:      Instructional objectives are those objectives which are set up in the process of teaching and learning on end points. Thus, it tells what a student is going to...

Scientific Method or Problem-solving method

  Scientific Method or Problem-solving method      The procedure of solving a problem systematically with certain directions may be called as scientific method. It is a method of solving a problem scientifically and systematically. Definitions: “Problem solving may be defined as planned attack upon a difficulty or perplexity for the purpose of finding a satisfactory solution”.   ----Risk T.M “Problem solving in all of its elements is closely associated with a group of attitude or mind-sets which are important as outcomes of instruction in science.” Steps involved in Scientific Method Sensing the Problem : As it is said that “Necessity is the mother of invention” a problem has to be sensed or needed to go ahead with method. At this stage the teacher can raise a problem by providing such situation as involve thinking and student feel the need of asking and enquiring the teacher. The presentation of the ...

Meaning and Nature of Physical Science

  Meaning and Nature of Physical Science       Science is a systematized body of knowledge. This body of knowledge include facts, concepts and theories that are subject to error and change. The scientific knowledge exists in the form of facts, concepts, principles, and laws, hypothesis and theories.      Science is a dynamic in nature and the scientific information is constantly being re arranged and reoriented in the light of new knowledge.      Science never proves anything in an absolute sense. It accumulates data by observation and measurement. Definitions of Science        The term ’Science’ originated from the Latin word ‘Scientia’ it means ‘knowledge’, all that, there is that, anybody can know. ----(C.W. Owen).        There is no single definition which is universally accepted.   “Science is the attempt to make, the chaotic disc...