Meaning and Nature of Physical Science
Meaning and Nature of Physical Science
Science is a systematized body
of knowledge. This body of knowledge include facts, concepts and theories that
are subject to error and change. The scientific knowledge exists in the form of
facts, concepts, principles, and laws, hypothesis and theories.
Science is a dynamic in
nature and the scientific information is constantly being re arranged and reoriented
in the light of new knowledge.
Science never proves
anything in an absolute sense. It accumulates data by observation and measurement.
of Science
The term ’Science’
originated from the Latin word ‘Scientia’ it means ‘knowledge’, all that, there
is that, anybody can know. ----(C.W. Owen).
There is no single
definition which is universally accepted.
- “Science
is the attempt to make, the chaotic discovery of our sense experience corresponds
to a logically uniform system of thought”.
According to scientist, science is an
attempt of an individual to discover the miracle of nature which is experienced
by his sensory organs but it should be corresponded with uniformity of thoughts
based on logic.
- “Science is not just collection of law a
catalogue of facts. It is a creation of human mind with its freely invented
ideas and concepts”. --- (Albert Einstein & L. Infild).
Science is not just mere collection of
facts and laws. These facts and laws are based on the free intervention or
interactions of an individual with the nature. So, science is the interpretation
of nature and man is the interpreter.
Science is a cumulative
and endless series of empirical observations which result in the formation of
concepts and theories being subject to modification in the light of further
empirical (Practical) observations. Science is both a body of knowledge and the
process of acquiring it.
Science is an
accumulated and systematized learning in general usage restricted to natural
phenomenon. The progress of science is not marked not only by an accumulation
of fact, but by the emergence of scientific method and of the scientific
The nature of science is
basically standing on three principles. These are:
- Science is an accumulated and systematized
body of knowledge.
- The scientific method of Inquiry.
- The scientific attitude.
From these principles we
can say science is both a product and process, because the first principle
emphasizes on the product of science. While 2nd and 3rd
principles emphasize on the process.
--- (R. C. Sharma. Teaching
of Science.)
The true nature of science
is revealed more in the way it is sought rather than in what is found, although
the two efforts cannot be truly separated. In another way, it could be said
that Science is more a verb than it is a noun.
Science answers to many
questions like what is in the universe? How many? How much? How frequently? Where?
When? Under what circumstances? But it fails to answer why? The aim of science
is to find out the laws of nature. The following diagram gives you a clear idea
of the relationships between observation and experimentation on which laws are
Observations If correct, ok. Accepted
Experimentations If wrong, go for correction
Fig: Explains the
relationship between observation and Experimentation
According to C.V. Raman,” Science is not a subject to study. It is a
way of life.”
Characteristics of the process of science
- Science proceeds on the assumption, based
on centuries of experience, that the universe is not capricious.
- Science knowledge is based on observations
of samples of matter that are accessible to public investigations in
contrast to purely private inspections.
- Science proceeds in a piecemeal manner,
even though it also aims at achieving a systematic and comprehensive understanding
of various sectors or aspects of nature.
- Science is not, and probably never will
be, a finished enterprise, and there remains very much more to be
discovered about how things in universe behave and how they are
- Measurements is an important feature of
most branches of modern science because the formation as well as the establishment
of laws are facilitated through the development of quantitative distinctions.
facts, Concepts and Generalizations
The two types of responsibilities performed
by science are:
- Investigation and exploration of facts and
- Building of systematic and organized body
of facts-based son such explanations.
Thus, science provides us a systematic and
organized information comprising scientific facts, concepts, laws and generalizations
which may prove helpful to all of us in increasing our knowledge and also in
solving our problems. Science also helps us to make our lives happier.
What happens around us, arouses interest
in human beings and makes him eager to know more and more about it. For ex:
Thunder, storming, lightening, cyclones, monsoons, earthquakes, volcanoes,
raining etc. paved ways for investigations. All the valuable sources are used
by him to know all about such happenings and the conclusions drawn as a result
of his findings are called facts.
“Fact is something known to be
true or accepted as true”
-Oxford Advanced Learner’s
“A theory is a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and present a
systematic view of phenomena by specifying relations among variables with the
purpose of explain and predicting phenomena.” -Kerlinger
According to George. J Mouley,
the following are the characteristic of a good theory.
- Interpretation and verifications.
- Grounded or landed in empirical data.
- Law of parsimony.
- Based on facts.
- Precise, neat and clear.
- Meaningful structure.
- Applicability.
The facts, concepts and
generalization are interlinked, interdependent and interrelated. The facts give
rise to concepts and when the facts and concepts are properly classified on the
basis of various scientific process; they give rise to generalizations. The
process of science, through which come to generalizations are as follows.
- Observation.
- Classification.
- Measurement.
- Communications.
- Inference.
- Prediction.
- Formulating Hypothesis.
- Experimentation.
Nature and Scope of Science:
- The systematized store of knowledge gained
after generalizing and inter relating the various isolated facts is known
as science.
- The word science has been derived from a Latin
word ’Scintia’ which means ‘to know’ or ‘search for truth.’
- Science is a heap of truth.
- Science is both a study of knowledge and
the process of acquiring it.
- The word physics originated from the Greece
word which means ‘Nature’.
- Physics is a branch of science which deals
with the study of nature and natural phenomenon.
- Physics is a branch of science which deals
with the physical entities.
- Physics is a branch of science which deals
with the fundamental phenomenon which are related the matter and energy.
- Physics is a systematic and accumulated knowledge
about matter, energy such other entities thorough scientific observations
and inquiry based on utilization value for human beings.
Thank u so much sir...
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